Friday, May 6, 2011

It's not too late to join the Green Street Fair Flashmob!

Try something new! Get silly! Go out of your comfort zone! (Yes, you!)

SPREAD THE WORD! Share this link with friends.

What started out at as a Miller Elementary School student council gig has spread to be an event to celebrate going green at Plymouth's Green Street Fair. Adults and kids are welcome to join. Fun!

Want to join, yet hesitant? Dance only the last dance. The choreography is so slow it'll be easy to follow those in front of you at the flashmob. Just jump right in! The third dance ("I Gotta Feeling") is only four counts of eight repeated four times. You could probably do that too! :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Flashmob at the GREEN STREET FAIR

The GREEN STREET FAIR wants us to do this flashmob Saturday, May 7th at EXACTLY 1:15 p.m.

The GREEN STREET FAIR is excited to have us! (See the post at 6:30 on Thursday!)

Adults and kids welcome to dance. Don't be afraid to be silly! Nobody will be looking at just you... step out of your comfort zone! Do something new!

The flashmob should be at the intersection of Main Street and Ann Arbor Trail. (Outside of Panera.)  We recommend you arrive at the fair early (because parking may be difficult to find); we don't want you to miss the dance!

Link to map

The music starts at 1:15 p.m. We will dance facing the park.

Before the flashmob: talk to your friends and family, but don't make it obvious that you know something is about to happen. :) You can even stand IN the intersection so that the space is "reserved" so to speak.

During the flashmob: smile! Have fun!

After the flashmob: immediately find your family and walk away.

We want more lots of people to participate. Teach the dance to your friends and family, your cousins, your aunts, uncles, parents, mailmen, etc. :)

At the end, say "The world is going green! You coming? <--- Like shown in the link.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What is a flashmob?

A flash mob is a random act of dance meant to inspire joy.

This is an example of what a flashmob looks like. The dances we will do are at the bottom of this page.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Why a flashmob?

Miller has a very diverse population. A flashmob is a great way to celebrate diversity. Miller students come from many different backgrounds, but we can all unite to learn and have fun!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

How will it work?

There will be four dances; each will be about one to two minutes long.
The first will be a Bollywood dance. (Most difficult)
The second is "Cotton Eye Joe"
The third is Black Eyed Peas "I Gotta Feeling"
The fourth is "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" (Least difficult)

Important information to remember:
-- The dances are arranged from most difficult to least difficult. So, learn the last dance, the last two, the last three or all four. :)
-- Once you start dancing, you are expected to continue through the end. :)
-- You should learn the dances in OPPOSITE order, starting with "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." (So, if you only learn the fourth dance, at least you can join then. Once you join the dance, you're expected to stay in the entire time.)
-- THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: DO NOT learn the dances as if the computer screen is a mirror. Most of the dance steps start with your right foot, right arm, etc.
-- Ideally, only a few people will dance right at the beginning. Then, others will join in at other points in time.
-- When you hear the song stop, pause. Then, when you hear the music again, nod up and down until it's time to dance again. 
-- When dancing is done.... YOU SIMPLY WALK AWAY and continue doing what you were doing,  AS IF NOTHING HAPPENED. People may clap... but just continue what your were doing.

Enjoy! Have fun!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Dances

This is fourth dance: Learn it first. Learn the whole dance.
At the end say: The world... is going green.... you coming?

This is third dance: Learn it only after you have mastered "Over the Rainbow."
Learn only until the 1:05 mark.

This is second dance: Learn it only after you have mastered "I've Gotta Feeling."
Learn only until the :50  mark.

This is the first dance: Learn it only after you have mastered "Cotton Eye Joe"
Learn to the 1:15 mark. (ALWAYS turn right, shuffle right, etc.)